the Ardent of Zilharr the Radiant
Notes | Heroes | Places
Zilharr the Radiant
silver dragon, the heroes’ benefactor
artist: Bayard Wu
albino blue dragonic, inspector in the Blue’s secret police
artist: Thomasz Chistowski
Arla—halfling nursemaid to baby Prince Kheldar, wore Hawkfire’s key on a silver necklace
Ashardalon—bronze dragon mount of Templar Cisterian, demoted after refusing rider’s orders at Dibow’s village raid…recognized the Warhammer as powerful, thinks the Emperor a fool for awakening it
**Brother Merle—**Order of Black Mirror, revealed the crystalline Archmage figurines (one open, one hidden) to be countermagic weapons
Finnick and Delacort—gnomes in Vantage
Fourthman—forgeborn assistant to Master Bykki at Golden Observatory in Vantage
**Fyrl—**Zilharr’s Sanganac
**Khan—**Kholby’s son, Clan Rage Claw chief
Lord Ignatius—kind but strong human, leader of House Gathakinathi
**Raddick—**orc leader of Camp Booming Chasm
Rezlorkis—dragonic wizard, runs the Quacking Goblin
**Magus Tenebrocious—**wizard leader of Sikara murkport
Mas Merri, **Brother Anthon—**rescued by Dibow and Faisal from imperial prison in Drakkenhall
Mxlan—told Balthazar his one unique thing. Mentioned Doak Lillywhite.
Navigator Mage Nireus Maystar—
Sarn and Jatner—older and younger brother; younger a tiefling. Returned to Sikara when Ravd appointed. Fled Abulyrd. Refuge among orcs but Khan’s Clan Rage Claw warband.
**Torgu Ironbeard—**inventor of dwarven earthship