I know the Archmage secretly supplies 70 murkships to the Blue.
+1 Great Gold Wyrm, +1 Archmage, -1 Crusader
manager of my family's brewery, Stumble Ducks, in the artisans' district in Glitterhaegen
at-large fugitive accused of murder by poisoning of Baron Abulyrd's (Crusader) beloved nephew, Hamish
apprentice for Bahz, Sanganak of rural Bitterwood House Gathakinathi
human Druid (he/him)
I carry with me my village's artifact, an ornate gilded warhammer of unknown origin and untold power.
+2 Orc Lord, -1 Emperor
I was apprenticed to be an artisan and crafted a necklace and camero from bone for my childhood companion and betrothed, who was lost (body never found) in the raid. After the raid, I found the necklace but not the cameo.
I was apprenticed to be a village protector (i.e. ranger) until my village on the Green Star River near the orcish frontier was raided and razed to the ground by the Bronze Templars (Emperor). I swore to avenge my village and bethrothed. I became a wandering mercenary looking for clues to help my revenge.
Faisal al-Drakar
tiefling Ranger (they/them)
I was adopted by Hawkfire, a high-tech cat-sized mechanical toy dragon with a mysterious keyhole.
+1 Dwarf King, +1 Great Gold Wyrm, -1 Archmage
Captive Laborer: pulled out of Cairnwood Hellhole during Sir Borreal’s crusade and taken to start what should have been an indefinitely-long tenure as an assistant in the armories of First Triumph
Dwarven Fixer: for Torgu Ironbeard, inventor of earthships and one of the Dwarf King’s chief lieutenants in Forge
Treasure Hunter: “unearths” antiquities from the ruins of the Grey Towers and sell to fence in markets of Drakkenhall—“Brother” Cassian of the Order of the Black Mirror (Great Gold Wyrm smugglers who front as a sect of mercantile monks)
half-orc Barbarian (he/him)
I was the Orc Lord's best dragongem seeker.
~2 Archmage, -1 Orc Lord
leader of an elite dragongem seeker team, operating across the Frost Range
stole sixteen pristine dragongems from the Mt. Gablegook mines and delivered it to Balthazar Balthazar to my free son, Khan, from Eucid Pyre, the Orc Lord's prison, before Sclymgeour "Lym" Donnell smuggled him to safety