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2024-07-11 # 07: Lies, Neal's Lies, and Scrotes

Doku Death Shadow returned Raxus's call: "Bring me the Lightning Greaves, and we'll rule Drakkenhall together." We (Raxus, Artemis, and Bobby) thought ruling Drakkenhall sounded like too much work.

Evasively, Raxus responded: "Greaves in possession of a companion. Will return to Drakkenhall. Much love, Raxus." (We plan to return to Drakkenhall after safely storing the Greaves in the Intrepid Hills. Would Doku keep Greaves for self or return to Prince of Shadows?) Doku replied that he'd send an escort to protect us.

Raxus answered: "Copy. Will remain in Bitches Bend. Much love, Raxus." This was a lie; we plan to continue to the Brambles's compound. But fearing that Arvax's and Raxus's old Shadow Syndicate rank markers (which allowed communication with Doku) would allow Doku to track him, Raxus buried them in Arvax's grave.

After supplying up, the heroes went west, overland through the Queen's Wood, which would be tricky and enchanted and full of dumb spiders. Immediately, we found ourselves walking seemingly in circles, and we passed the same traveler three times. He was headed to Bitches Bend.

On the third pass, Raxus hailed the traveler, named Neal, an old man confused by the forest, claiming to be headed to Drakkenhall. Raxus brought him along, then convinced the confused Bobby and Artemis that they were confused and should follow Raxus instead of marking every tree in the Queen's Wood in random order.

We fought spiders until they were dead.

Raxus grilled Neal, because his story seemed incredible: that he was traveling alone for hundreds of miles from the far western edge of the Queen's Wood to visit his son, Steve, an honest dockworker in Drakkenhall.

  1. Alone? A suicidal undertaking.
  2. Honest? In Drakkenhall? Please.

Using a Priestess benefit, Raxus compelled Neal's confession. Neal had lied. (gasp) He is really a Rustlers informant going to Bitches Bend to find us. He informs because his son, who really is in Drakkenhall, got in trouble there. Neal truly repented his lies and evil deeds.

We considered killing him--or putting the Greaves on him and letting him run, maybe same difference--but we decided to free him, because if you love something, let it go. Bobby's High Druid benefit: "The wood will judge you (Neal) if you betray us." Artemis's Lich King benefit: some kind of death curse on Neal if he betrays us. #freedom

Then Raxus vowed: "I swear by the Gods of Light and my sacred oaths as a paladin, that the next time I return to Drakkenhall, I will find your son, Steve, even if he does have double syphilis, and get him out of trouble with the Rustlers."

Then Neal said, "Boy, you're nice lads. I wish you had the Greaves instead of those mean Rustlers." And we said, "Yeah, we wish we had the Greaves too." (wink) And Neal said, "Oh yeah, Richard Scrotes is going to the Wake Islands next, searching for another iconic magic item."

We parted ways with our new best friend, Neal, the old man lost in the woods, and continued on to the Intrepid Hills. Once we ditch the Greaves, we'll meet Dick on the islands.

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